FOOTBALL is as everything else , has roots and origins , that might be at it's very beginning , is different
.than what it is today
there is no exact evidence ,where the game were first played, or who invented it?. all we can say is that FOOTBALL has very ancient roots and it is almost every where in the world, we can track some of those
.ancient roots, while some are not given us a clear vision about the game
what i mean is, some cultures played games are maybe 50% to 70% similar to Football we know today and
.some other culture played just ball games that maybe Football developed from it
OK i will start this series of (Roots Of Football) with my home land Egypt
:-let's start this step by step-
based on drawings , some artifacts, and balls were found in Ancient Egyptian tombs , it's suggested that Ball
.games were played around 2500 B.C
in his book ( Sports And Games Of Ancient Egypt ),Wolfgang Decker says that there is a number of balls
.made from variety of materials ,all of them are stuffed and solid not filled with air
he says also that the best of them consists of leather stripes ,exactly 12 stripes, sewn around a core of straw,
reeds, hair, yarn or chaff, also there were balls are not covered and made from wood , clay , papyrus, or
.palm leaves
.the diameter range of those balls were around 3 to 9 centimeter
there was allot of ball games in Egypt and there in an evidence that supports the idea that Egyptians played a Football-like game during the feasts of fertility they wrapped their balls in bright-colored cloth and kicked
them around the ground to celebrate the abundance of earth during the flooding season, the game is unknown
.but some balls that was made of linen were found wrapped around cat gut to give them better bounce
this is all i was able to find about the game in Ancient Egypt , but in the modern days Football is the
.number 1 sport in Egypt
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