Monday, 25 February 2013

Trolls .............. :)


 :)these trolls and memes are not mine, i just brought them from google


Soccer or Football ??????????? it called Soccer or Football? the tow words refer to the same game,but Football is more widely used and more popular than 
.........................Soccer, that's one

 Soccer is wrongly thought that it's an American term,it is it was invented ? here is the story

back in time , in England exactly 1863 a group of public schools got  together to form the rules of the game, this group made an association, the rules were set and a new term appeared ,and that 
.(was(Association Football

Soccer is an abbreviation of the word Association in the term Association Football

English people loved to nickname things and also to add ER to the end of the word,so they nicknamed the word Association and called 
.it Assoc and added the ER and it became Assocer

then it was said that the 1st who used the term Soccer was an English Oxford university student (Charles Wredford Brown),who 
.loved to shorten words ,he shortened Assocer to Soccer 

Association Football was originally set to differentiate the game from the other famous type of football that was in England back 
.(then ( Rugby Football

......................back to America

the Americans had already a sport and it's different than the game we are talking about ,and it's also more famous this sport is American Football , and when the US started to play the game , they formed a governing body for it, and to avoid the mix between the tow sports they used the word Soccer in the name of the governing body and it was ( United States Soccer Football 

this name was used for years ,and then in 1974 ,the word Football   was removed and the name of the governing body became ( United 
(States Soccer Association  
since then and the word Soccer is used in America to refer to the 
.game that's called in other parts of the world Football

and Soccer is used in other countries also , the countries that as the 
.US had already other famous sports under the name football

Although the English invented the word Soccer they call the game 
..Football Not Soccer

...................hope this was useful enough 


Friday, 15 February 2013

Now it's time to know the reason behind this blog, well the reason is simply that i adore soccer , i know that there are zillions who write about it, but every one has his own style and reason why writing  about it.
it is just only i'v established this blog for the sake of the game which is my real passion , hoping you find it useful 

Before start talking about soccer , i want to make some points  
 the reason why i started this blog with THE FOOTBALL CODES  is that while searching i did not know that  the word Football  i  know could mean more than one sport under the same name ,and each is different from the other , and i did not know that soccer is only one of the codes of football. which the whole blog is all about 
also some people might not know this information so i wanted to  share it with everyone, specially in my country Egypt.

so welcome everyone 

Football Codes( 4 )

football codes in pics.part 3

ok, today will continue the Football Codes , it took me a little time to gather the information for today's topic ,ok it's a pit of a comparison here ,will compare the 2 rugby kinds ,as games only but when it comes to 
.which is better , this is all about what you prefer

as an Egyptian Rugby was not familiar here , until 2008 when the ERFU ( Egyptian Rugby Football Union )  was founded , but it is still not popular here coz Egypt is a soccer land , here is a link for the ERFU if any 
one want to have look

-:well back to our topic, the tow kinds of rugby are

Rugby league football

Rugby union football

the tow kinds have the same origins , coz they where in the past one sport RUGBY ,but they split up,and now they have some differences  

The Field

rugby league field

rugby union field

The Ball

rugby league ball

rugby union ball

  the difference between the 2 balls is slight, the league ball is thinner and more pointed at the ends ,while the  
union ball is fatter and more rounded at the ends

The Jerseys

rugby league jersey

rugby union jersey

the league jersey usually has a  big v around the neck , while the union jersey is more classical and sometimes completely white 

 these are not the only differences between the tow rugby kinds 
 :-the other differences are in

the number of players in the team in each kind 

the positions and the numbering of players in the team in each kind

some laws and the system of scoring

............and more pics

rugby league stadium

rugby union stadium

rugby league game

rugby union game

any one of the readers might want more detailed information about this comparison , here are the links i toke my information  from hope it's helpful

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Football Codes ( 3 )

football codes in pics.part 2

now let's continue with Football Codes

Canadian Football.Canada


 Gaelic Football. Ireland

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Footfall Codes (2)

 football codes in pics

ok now let's see what are the Football Codes

American Football -USA


Australian Football(Ausi Rules )-Australia
 be continued

Friday, 8 February 2013

The Football Codes

 Football Codes

the word football could mean several sports, depending on the nation, region, and location of the person who's using it, that means :-  there are more than one sport under the name of Football , and those are called  FOOTBALL CODES
........ to be continued